Lymph node abscessation

Sonopath Forum

Lymph node abscessation

The 10-year-old intact male Labrador presented with acute swelling on the left side of the face, which was hard and painful on palpation. The contralateral submandibular lymph node (SMLN) was also moderately enlarged. Ultrasound showed fluid-filled structures consistent with SMLNs on both sides, though confirmation was challenging on the left. Ultrasound-guided samples confirmed cytologically that both swellings were abscesses within lymph nodes. Want to confirm If I am seeing lymph nodes on ultrasound and does the lymph node abscessation exist:)


Eric Lindquist

The structure to the left looks like LN but cant say about the structure to the right. Both need a needle draining the one on the right and cyto and culture on the LN. Consider a Fb in there as well even though i don’t see one on this resolution but depending where you are angle wise oral penetrating fbs can do this.

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