
Sonopath Forum

– 7yr old MN Standard Poodle presented for severe abodminal pain on the weekend; rDVM ran bloodwork which showed a positive SNAP cPLI test but cbc, biochem normal

– was treated for presumed pancreatitis at ER, pain meds, IV fluids, antibiotics, cerenia, famotidine

– patient appeared to respond but is now anorexic and still on pain meds as owner thinks he is still painfull- no v/d; belly is tense but not screaming when touched as before; was very tense to scan

– 7yr old MN Standard Poodle presented for severe abodminal pain on the weekend; rDVM ran bloodwork which showed a positive SNAP cPLI test but cbc, biochem normal

– was treated for presumed pancreatitis at ER, pain meds, IV fluids, antibiotics, cerenia, famotidine

– patient appeared to respond but is now anorexic and still on pain meds as owner thinks he is still painfull- no v/d; belly is tense but not screaming when touched as before; was very tense to scan

– I am seeing a dilated loop of bowel with hyperechoic liquid digesta and gas pockets (I think it is cecum) and there is one region where a linear -shaped FB is present but I not convinced it is obstructive; the ileocecal LN’s are mildly enlarged

– I am having a hard time deteriming if the lesion I am seeing is an intussception at the ICJ or just the ICJ in transverse? is this typhlitis?

I am not seeing evidence of pancreatitis on ultrasound. Should this patient be explored?




Looks like early

Looks like early intussusception at the ICJ. I would try to palpate the “sausage” old school to confirm as these can come and go when this early in the phase.


Thank-you EL. Tricky one this
Thank-you EL. Tricky one this is esp. if intussception intermittent but since pet not responding to treatment I have recommended to explore and referral for this one.


yep I would go in on it

yep I would go in on it

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