duodenal submucosal thickening in a chronically vomiting cat

duodenal submucosal thickening in a chronically vomiting cat

14 year old FS Tonkinese with chronic vomiting 1-2 months, weight loss and normal blood work. The submucosal of the duodenum is particularly prominent. Her stomach was full – possible hair balls? Recommending a 24h fast and recheck ultrasound after 3-4 weeks of famotidine, maropitant and hairball remedy unless owner decides to proceed with intestinal…

Left Atrial Presuure, Pulmonary Edema and its contribution to Pulmonary Hypertension

Dr. Modler was discussing left atrial pressure in relation to pulmonary venous hypertension with left heart failure(LHF), pulmonary vascular hypertension and the degree in which LHF could contribute to pulmonary hypertension. He mentioned that a left atrial pressure of 40mmHg was consistent with pulmonary edema(CHF). I don’t understand why the LAP would need to be…

azotemia and renal cyst

14 year old MN Pomeranian with acute azotemia following general anesthesia last month for cataracts (previous renal values were normal). Ultrasound shows this cystic structure as well as an enlarged and somewhat lobulated/anechoic left adrenal gland (hx of PU/PD and mild intermittent vomiting). Would you drain this cyst and how would you classify it? How…

CT – Non-obstructive urinary bladder and urethral calculi in a 2 year old M Dutch Dwarf rabbit

History This 2 year old Dwarf Dutch rabbit has a history of chronic sneezing that is responsive to medication. Presented one month ago for decreased appetite; doing well today Image Interpretation CT of the abdomen –  A moderate amount of urinary hyperattenuating sand is seen precipitating ventrally within the urinary bladder. Focal accumulations of sand…

Pancreatic or duodenal wall mass?

– 11 year old FS Boston Terrier with intermittent history of PU/PD and moderate elevation in ALP – bloodwork confirms diabetes;  ACTH stim ruled- out Cushings and no sonographic signs to support this – right limb of the pancreas is enlarged and hypoechoic and heterogeneous (possible chronic or acute on chronic pancreatitis) – there is…

Bile duct sludge vs neoplasia?

– geriatric cat presented for diarrhea and weight loss – bloodwork mild elevation in SDMA, normal T4 and other parameters normal including liver enzymes – distal CBD is dilated with a luminal hyperechoic lesion at the d-pap that also appears to involve the walls of the CBD – could this be sludge or neoplastic invasion…

Urinay Bladder Rupture

– 11 year old FS Shih Tzu with 2 day history of not passing urine despite IV fluids and decreased appeitite – abdomen has gradually filled with fluid and analysis of abodminal fluid showed a creatinine of 2000 – rDVM passed a urinary catheter prior to me scanning and collected a few mls of urine…

SI Plication vs severe corrugation

– 6 year old Standard Poodle with chronic history of v/d; had parvo as a puppy, hookworms – bloodwork mild abnormalities and negative for Addisons – presented for severe vomting and diarrhea, marked weight loss and rectal prolapse – distal colon markely thickened with altered layering pattern; severe jejunal LN enlargement – nasty intussusception and…

Large pancreatic mass?

– 15 yr old DSH presented for weight loss despite a very good appetite – bloodwork including T4 unremarkable; rDVM could palpate a tubular mass in the caudal abdomen – US showed EHBDO, thickended and dilated D-pap and severely enlarged inhomogeneous pancreas – there was an IBD/lymphoma pattern in the SI with no obstruction; small…

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