MSK US: sciatic nerve neuritis

MSK US: sciatic nerve neuritis

Just wanted to share this gem of a case with everyone.  Correlative imaging between US and MRI of a 4 year old mixed breed dog presented with proprioceptive deficits of his right hind. Took biopsies of the altered sciatic nerve, returned as neuritis.

Right Ectopic Ureter in a 1 Year Old Husky Imaged By Rachel Brilhart of Intrapet, Baltimore

PRESENTING CLINICAL SIGNS: Pollakuria and urinary incontinence episodes DIAGNOSIS: Right ectopic ureter entering into the proximal urethra 2 mm in width

feline UB mass

– 5 yr old FS DSH with two month history of hematuria – apical urinary mass found on U/S; trigone and proxiaml urethra normal – spleen diffusely, moderately enlarged with a subtle micronodular pattern (extramedullary hematopoeisis vs diffuse neoplasia); FNA recommended This cat is too young TCC so possible lymphoma, other?   

renal dysplasia?

These kidney scans are from a three year old Saint Bernard who was presented for a pinnal hematoma surgery, but on her preanesthetic bloodwork she was found to have renal azotemia with BUN/creat 26/2.2 and USG 1.010. This looks like renal dysplasia to me, what do you think?  Thanks

Pancreas Lesion?

Chloe is a 12 year old Peke X. Had one episode of V/D last week and Lots of V/D in past 24 hours. PE was not enlightening & owners declined bloodwork. Did quick abd scan… I see hyper-echoic uniformly granular “masses” in association w/ each kidney??? Or possibly pancreas??? What I see of the rt/lt…

Chronic cough chest radiography

hello, first time I am writing a post, could please help to interpret this chest radiography it’s from a York terrrier chronic cough, no abnormality on broncoscopy, only finding elongated epiglottis.      Thank you

Odd PV in a cat

– 4 month FS DSH from a shelter with a history of on and off anorexia – presented with fever and anorexia and tongue ulceration (suspect calici) – abdominal u/s showed enlarged jejunal and medial iliacl LN’s’  – every thing else normal except for an enlarged and tortuous PV with  high velocity flow – I…

Enlarged PV in a kitten

– 5 month old shelter kitten with a history of “poor-doing” at the sheleter – presented for fever, intermittent anorexia and tongue ulcers (suspect calici) – abdominal ultrasound unremarkabel except for enlarged jejunal and medial iliac LN’s and a very large PV  – the PV appears to be tortuous with a high velocity flow –…

Relationship between auscultation vs regurgitation (cm/s) and murmur

I started to do echocardiography a short time ago (few weeks). Poodle, 10 years, 10kg. Preoperative checkup, suspected of osteosarcoma extraosseous.  Cardiac murmur grade 1, systolic pressure 110, thoracic RX within normal range, without cough.  Findings: concentric hypertrophy?  AV max: 117cm/s , PV max: 154cm/s, IVRT: 77ms, TAPSE: 1cm, E/A: 0,9  Ae/AO: 1.5 (LA = 1,8…

Splenic cells where art thou?

Despite seeing beautiful images during splenic sampling with a visible needle, lovely “woodpecker” technique and nice feathery slides my splenic aspirates still having me holding my breath until I see definitive cells in my microscope field. I feel like I’m at the roulette wheel hoping for my my lucky number to be the winner. I…

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