10 year old MN Cocker Spaniel with diagnosed lymphoma on peripheral lymph nodes Spleen also looks affected and all abdominal LNs +/- liver – cytology pending He is also in IRIS 3 CRF, do you think the kidneys are affected by lymphoma? I thought the cortex was thicker than normal which made me suspicious of…
Renal mineralisation vs calculi
How do you tell the difference between renal mineralisation and calculi? Which do these kidneys have?
Renal disease in a cat
10 year old MN DSH with decreased appetite, pu/pd, moderate azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia and severe anaemia L kidney had a perinephric pseudocyst cranially and both kidneys measured upper end of normal 4.5cm with increased mineralisations/echogenicity and stones. There was also a small amount of free abdominal fluid. Cystic fluid was a transudate, cytology of kidneys pending…
Gastric carcinoma?
10 year old MN Labrador, GI signs and weight loss, mild hypoalbuninaemia Severely thickened stomach wall focally with loss of layering Also what seems to be severe lymphadenopathy +/- pancreatic masses Do you think this consistent with a carcinoma? Waiting permission to sample, would you FNA or endoscopic biopsy of stomach?
Small intestinal disease
11 year old terrier presented with persistent passage of blood from vulva since season over 4 weeks ago Sometimes eats grass but no other GI signs Uterine horns visible but no pyometra seen, possible metritis? But loops of small intestine were dilated and hyperechoic and had mucosal striations and mesentery seemed hyperechoic, tiny volume of…
Gallbladder mucocoele?
11 year old FN Bichon Frise with GI signs and elevated liver enzymes Gallbladder is solid and distended with inflammation around the neck and distended common bile duct I have never seen a mucocoele this dense/solid and want to make sure it is not a mass? There was also signs of gastritis, colitis and chronic…
Thoracic mass
10 year old MN Border Collie presented coughing and with laboured breathing There is a mass around the heart base. The heart was displaced and could not be assessed from the right side when in right lateral recumbency, only when very sternal. The mass was compressing the right atrium and seemed to be encircling aorta…
Lymph node?
10 year old MN Springer Spaniel with a mixed echogenicity cavitatory splenic mass that appeared like a haemangiosarcoma Also a round/encapsulated mixed echogenicity structure adjacent to mass (kidneys and adrenal glands ruled out). It appeared solitary, do you think this is a lymph node?
Kidney Mass
8 year old Collie presented depressed and vomiting, bloods severe polycythemia (HCT 77%) Mass on caudal pole of left kidney with localised steatitis, the mass did not appear to be vascular, also pelvic dilation (was on IVFT but right kidney appeared normal) Do you think this is a neoplastic mass? Waiting for permission to sample…