Gallbladder mucocoele?

Sonopath Forum

Gallbladder mucocoele?

  • 11 year old FN Bichon Frise with GI signs and elevated liver enzymes
  • Gallbladder is solid and distended with inflammation around the neck and distended common bile duct
  • I have never seen a mucocoele this dense/solid and want to make sure it is not a mass?
  • There was also signs of gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis

  • 11 year old FN Bichon Frise with GI signs and elevated liver enzymes
  • Gallbladder is solid and distended with inflammation around the neck and distended common bile duct
  • I have never seen a mucocoele this dense/solid and want to make sure it is not a mass?
  • There was also signs of gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis



It looks to me like a

It looks to me like a hepatobiliary mass in the area, or possibly involving / compressing, or displacing, the gallbladder. Its fairly solid in appearance. The visible common bile duct is dilated but doesnt appear to be obstructed. 

It would be a huge GB for a Bichon, 4-5 cm diameter, and I think the GB would have ruptured if a mucocele? 

Subjectively, it looks resectable so ex lap with resection and liver / GI +/- pancreas biopsies would be the best route I think. 


I don’t see a wall for it to

I don’t see a wall for it to be gb and looks like its picking up color on the doppler which mucosceles don’t do. Check sdep posiitons 9, 10, 11 as well to see if a normal Gb is there anywhere displaced my this structure. Close down your doppler sector to allow for better CF imaging as well and turn up gain til it speckles then back down just to flow.


I could not see any normal

I could not see any normal gallbladder structure. I have attached other videos to a another post incase it adds anything. I thought in some views it was surrounded by a wall but the colour doppler is confusing (I will alter settings as you suggest in future). If this is not the gallbladder do you think it would be resectable?


Well I guess it could be a

Well I guess it could be a mucocele so distended that the wall isnt visible. Could CT it or explore… Im rethinking that this is likely mucocele with inflammation and the color is just artifact splash. If subxyphoid approach (SDEP 11) and point to the right shoulder and this thing comes up… then right intercostal (SDEP 12) and its there as well and no normal collpased gb then likely is mucocele. Needs sx.

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