Sonographic findings for Lepto

Sonopath Forum

Sonographic findings for Lepto

I have another case that is highly suspect of acute Lepto. PCR pending. Main findings are : perinephric fluid, hyperechoic renal cortices, periportal lymphadenopathy.

I have another case that is highly suspect of acute Lepto. PCR pending. Main findings are : perinephric fluid, hyperechoic renal cortices, periportal lymphadenopathy. While discussing this case with a collegue I was told that there is a recent paper in JVR that documented sonographic changes in dogs with leptospirosis?  Does anybody know or can share the paper?


Thank you



I think this is what you are

I think this is what you are looking for



KV CVT SonoPath

Thx Pankatz! 😉

Thx Pankatz! 😉


That is exactly the

That is exactly the one! 

Thank you Jacquie  


Interesting that GB mucocele

Interesting that GB mucocele can be found in dogs with lepto..I always thought that GB mucocele would develop in time …so maybe not in acute lepto ? only in chronic presentations



Yeh I think the GBM may not

Yeh I think the GBM may not have anything to do with the lepto and may be found incidentally such as a sheltie (GBM poster child) getting lepto… shelties and terriers and anything diabetic or cushingoid gets GBM so if one of those gets lepto too then you have both presentations. When Lepto hits the liver looks like it did before lepto came just the profile is acute ALT, AST Bili and so forth,.. chronic lepto does a CAH type pattern. But in New Jersey where we have lots of lepto any time I see that perirenal fluid i think lepto whether hepatic profile or renal profile the fluid can appear in both forms. That being said other acute renal insults can do this so its not pathogneumonic for Lepto.


Heres a chronic renal form of Lepto… interstitial nephrosis pattern from the basic search o f the archive

This one is a liver and renal form… dark images but you can see there isnt anything special sonographically

Anyway thats my 2 Lepto cents:)

Here is a mild positive nsf old kidney so who knows oif lepto is a player here or not Remo would know better

And another with the perirenal fluid scenario…

There are many forms sonographically


One of the other observations

One of the other observations are the hyperechoic flares seen within the medulla of your images. To me that is very significant as well.


Good to know. Thank you EL

Good to know. Thank you EL for posting similar cases

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