Lung Nodule

Sonopath Forum

– 4 year old MN Australian Cattle dog with history of cough

– chest rads show a nodule in the right lung at the 4th intercostal space

– I was able to find the nodule with u/s and was able to perform an FNA (see results)

– the rest of the lung was normal when scanned except for two very small nodules

– 4 year old MN Australian Cattle dog with history of cough

– chest rads show a nodule in the right lung at the 4th intercostal space

– I was able to find the nodule with u/s and was able to perform an FNA (see results)

– the rest of the lung was normal when scanned except for two very small nodules

– I spoke with the pathologist and after giving a bit more information on the radiogrpahs and the scan – he is leaning more toward bronchogenic neoplasia (the rDVM did not provide information on the number or size of the lesions when the cytoogy was first submitted)

Any thoughts on this case?







Age does not really fit with

Age does not really fit with primary pulmonary neoplasia. From the cytology report would considered foreign body reaction from a possible migrating grass awn. CT may give more information and bronchoscopy may localized the lesion and allow a BAL, which may give some more information. Often have to get the mass out for a final diagnosis.


This dog just doesn’t look

This dog just doesn’t look that sick to me to be cancer or even blasto either. I have uploaded another video scanning through the nodule. There is a hyperechoic linear lesion there but I assumed it be gas but could this be a FB? Speaking with the rDVM again, this patient did have a history of being HBC in which he sustained lung contusions – perhaps something was driven into the chest at the time?


There may also have been some

There may also have been some necrosis with mineralization. Linear lesion does appear suspicious for a foreign body. CT would give more info.


Anything going on in the

Anything going on in the abdomen for potential non exfoliating mets?? Anytime I have any lung lesions that could be mets I always screen the abdomen fiorst in case LN are up or somehting easy to stick but doesn’t sound neoplastic here. Larval migrans??? 4 year old I would deworm and screen the abdomen and treat the treatable and should start responding wihtin a week. grass awn yes for sure but I don’t get th emultifocal nodule explanation with that unless multiple pieces. Anyone have a CT around? Did you culture the fna too?


No culture performed. Pet was

No culture performed. Pet was dewormed and has been on a trial of antibiotics with no success. I think this one is going to be referred for possible CT and/or surgery.


Please keep us informed on

Please keep us informed on what the final diagnosis is. 


Will do – am curious myself

Will do – am curious myself


Just an update on this case –

Just an update on this case – I just found out what happened from the rDVM. Dog was sent for referral. CT performed and BAL. BAL consistent with bronchial airway disease and dog placed on weaning pred course and doing well. Lung lesion remains unchanged on rads – still don’t really know what it is and no further biopsies performed.

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