PDA or another vascular anomaly?

PDA or another vascular anomaly?

3 years old no hemodynamic repercussion At first I thought it was PDA, but the location is different. Does anyone have any ideas? Arteriovenous fistula? Coronary?

Gastric mass?

12 years old M/N cat with severe weight loss, decrease apettite,chronic vomiting. BW – mildy hypoalbuminemia, rest wnl Pylorus is thickened and at the junction with prox duodenum there is severe concentric thickening. To me it suggest neoplasia and less likelly pyloric stenosis ( never seen one in a cat) . Do you agree ?…

distended ureter?

14 years old German pointer Intact, Male presented with recent onset of incontinence . Patient was recently diagnosed with Multicentric Lymphoma, owner decided against Chemo and was placed on Pred . The peripheral LN regressed and still normal in size but now developed incontinence . Noted sand type sediment i n bladder and this anechoic…

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