Persistent urachus?

Persistent urachus?

Greetings everyone, This is a female intact 10yo Boxer, with history of on&off hematuria for some weeks now. The refering vet thought it was an UTI and she was put on NSAIDs + antibiotic. The signs resolved during the treatment, but reappeared a week after. I’ve never seen anything like this, but it seems that…

DMVD vs Endocarditis

Hello everyone,   Benji is a 12yo MI stray dog, never went to the vet (!), presented with hematuria, feve, anorexia and a loud heart murmur (both sides of the thorax) In the abdominal U/S there are renal changes (cortical infarctation, loss of cortico-medullary definition, irregular silhouette, subcapsular fluid and regional reactive lymphadenopathy).  

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