Ultrasound Artifacts

Sonopath Forum

Ultrasound Artifacts

I was recently on You Tube looking for good videos on ultrasound artifacts.

I found this video (about 12 minutes long) very educational for me. It was made for the

University of Washington school of medicine, but the information is useful in veterinary ultrasound.

I often review my notes from certification to remind me on concepts I did not know or had forgotten.

I learned some new concepts. Time was spent on discussing A and B lines as well as Comet tails and the reasons for

their creation.

I was recently on You Tube looking for good videos on ultrasound artifacts.

I found this video (about 12 minutes long) very educational for me. It was made for the

University of Washington school of medicine, but the information is useful in veterinary ultrasound.

I often review my notes from certification to remind me on concepts I did not know or had forgotten.

I learned some new concepts. Time was spent on discussing A and B lines as well as Comet tails and the reasons for

their creation.

I usually use TGC to turn down the gain closer to the probe to even out the echo’s, but I never really thought

I would miss pathology by turning down the gain futher from the probe.

I am going to post the link. Enjoy.




Great find Randy thank you…

Great find Randy thank you… and its good to see that ISIS is now getting into education as opposed to terrorism:) I guess there is hope lol

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