Thank You

Sonopath Forum

I thought this was as good of a place as any to put this…

I recently attended the Andover, NJ  SDEP meeting and found it to be excellent and well worth my time. Here I am a month or so later, working through my 17 steps and I get a package from Sonopath with pictures of me during the scanning labs (I could have done without the one of me holding the probe upside down 🙂  ) and an actual score card from my instructor grading & suggesting improvements to my technique. 

I thought this was as good of a place as any to put this…

I recently attended the Andover, NJ  SDEP meeting and found it to be excellent and well worth my time. Here I am a month or so later, working through my 17 steps and I get a package from Sonopath with pictures of me during the scanning labs (I could have done without the one of me holding the probe upside down 🙂  ) and an actual score card from my instructor grading & suggesting improvements to my technique. 

Having done a lot of labs of various sorts through the years, this was a first for me and I found it quite refreshing. 

Anyway, just wanted to give credit where credit is due…

Happy Holidays,




Happy holidays to you Sam. I

Happy holidays to you Sam. I also enjoyed the SDEP weekend. Learned much from the instructors. Andi Parkinson was our instructor and she was great. Dr Lindquist is always educational.

If I can swing it I will attend the SDEP Cardiology seminar in October 2018. I hope to see many from the Forum at this seminar.



Thanks guys this is very much

Thanks guys this is very much appreciated ! The team works so very hard to make these seminars go off well and have the attendees feel exactly how you describe. Its so vbery rewarding that you post this unsolicited.

Thank you again!


As instructors it means so

As instructors it means so much to get feedback like this. Our goal is to make our labs a very full and complete experience for all our attendees (as well as for us) thank you guys for giving us the opportunity to pass it forward!

happy holidays


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