Stone or Mass or Clot???

Sonopath Forum

Ellie is a 6.5 year old boxer that has had several UTI’s in past year.

UA shows significant UTI and owner describes gross hematuria

U/S Wall looks thickened to me and I’m more suspicious a clot in the bladder vs a stone or mass; but I’m not sure. Also in the pelvic urethra it looks like the mucosa is thickened and I think I see a small stone.

And finally, the radiograph has an odd “bump” in trigone area…not sure if it is associated w/ bladder, but the measuements are similar….although on the U/S I think the object is in the cranial portion of the bladder.

Ellie is a 6.5 year old boxer that has had several UTI’s in past year.

UA shows significant UTI and owner describes gross hematuria

U/S Wall looks thickened to me and I’m more suspicious a clot in the bladder vs a stone or mass; but I’m not sure. Also in the pelvic urethra it looks like the mucosa is thickened and I think I see a small stone.

And finally, the radiograph has an odd “bump” in trigone area…not sure if it is associated w/ bladder, but the measuements are similar….although on the U/S I think the object is in the cranial portion of the bladder.

I’ve put the dog on a 3 week course of Ciprofloxacin and suggested re-scan at end to see what’s what.

I’d appreciate any thoughts.




KV CVT SonoPath

Hi Sam, one of our DVM

Hi Sam, one of our DVM specialist’s will answer you soon, but I was wondering if you applied any power doppler to that area? It doesn’t have that shadow radiating like a stone typically does but it appears so hyperechoic.


Thanks for reminding me, I

Thanks for reminding me, I did put doppler on it and got nothing…Although we have a new machine and I’m still playing with the settings. Later that day I put doppler over a vessel on another scan and didn’t get much return so now I’m not sure if I got a good read on this bladder???



sorry for the delay i was on

sorry for the delay i was on vacation:)….Looks like sand mucous an dchronic inflammatory but an exploratory cystotomy, urethral lavage and bx warranted… mild potential for tcc. Or could scope.


Never apologize for being on

Never apologize for being on vacation…they’re too few and far between to feel sorry about…although I can’t help but be jealous 😉

Is there some inflammation in the pelvic urethra w/ sand/mucous or am I reaching on my evalutaion?



Im seeing urethral sand and a

Im seeing urethral sand and a slightly but uniformly thickened urethral wall. No reach its real.


Can initially also consider

Can initially also consider catheter- assisted biopsy of the lesion as a non-invasive approach before cystotomy.


Thanks for the replies…

Thanks for the replies…

I’m reaching out to the owner this week and will discuss options…I like the idea of the catheter; mainly because I haven’t done this before. If I’m remembering correctly I just take a normal urinary cathter and cut the tip at an angle then pass…identify w/ U/S then “stab” into the lesion w/ suction???




Correct for the technique.

Correct for the technique.



Female can be a bit more

Female can be a bit more challenging to place a u catheter.

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