PU/PD unwell dog

Sonopath Forum

– 5 year old Jack Rusell terrier presented for coughing and and possible sore back at end of October. Chest rads unremarkable – was sent home with Metacam; coughing subsided and seemed to fully recover

– presented last week with pu/pd, trembling, not himself

– free flow urine indicated possible UTI  urine SG 1.015; bloodwork CRE 135 (27-124); no other abnormalities; sent home with Clavamox 125 mg BID

– 5 year old Jack Rusell terrier presented for coughing and and possible sore back at end of October. Chest rads unremarkable – was sent home with Metacam; coughing subsided and seemed to fully recover

– presented last week with pu/pd, trembling, not himself

– free flow urine indicated possible UTI  urine SG 1.015; bloodwork CRE 135 (27-124); no other abnormalities; sent home with Clavamox 125 mg BID

– after no improvement, abdominal ultrasound was performed – both kidneys mild-moderate pyelectasia, the medualla is quite hyperechoic – can not identify an obstructive process. I am debating that I am seeing small renoliths but I don’t think so  DDx: severe pyelonephritis, Leptospirosis, chronic nephritis, toxin

– owner declined Lepto testing so continued with Clavamox and added Baytril

– pet still not doing well and severely pu/pd  Any thoughts?  Blood work is scheduled to be rechecked

If Lepto, should the patient not improve on Clavamox? Add doxycycline?







Looks like pyelonephiritis to

Looks like pyelonephiritis to me anrd when you have isosthenuria then you get washout of the inflammatory sediment and bacteria. E coli and other bacteria will interfere with adh receptors and cause pupd as well.

I’ve always used ampicillin for lepto for acute disease and doxy for the carrier state if its a potential player here.

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