Pancreatitis vs pancreatic mass

Sonopath Forum

Pancreatitis vs pancreatic mass

  • 12 year old FN lurcher
  • Vomiting, inappetance and abdominal pain
  • Abdo scan showed severe steatitis/peritonitis with low volume free fluid.
  • Duodenum was thickened, spastic with ill-defined layering
  • Pancreas was oedematous and irregular with area in body which was severely heterogenous – is it possible to tell without sampling whether this is most likely inflammation/necrosis or neoplasia?

  • 12 year old FN lurcher
  • Vomiting, inappetance and abdominal pain
  • Abdo scan showed severe steatitis/peritonitis with low volume free fluid.
  • Duodenum was thickened, spastic with ill-defined layering
  • Pancreas was oedematous and irregular with area in body which was severely heterogenous – is it possible to tell without sampling whether this is most likely inflammation/necrosis or neoplasia?



hmmm pancreatic necrosis an

hmmm pancreatic necrosis an dcarcinoma can look very similar. FNA for sure in different echotextures.


Hopefully will get to do that

Hopefully will get to do that in the coming days. Thank you. 

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