Odd spleen position

Sonopath Forum

Odd spleen position

– 2-3 year old 65lb hound mix with a history of FB corn cob removal last fall

– now vomiting intermittently and owner was concerned about the potential for another FB

– x-rays did not point toward a FB and the pet seemed to respond to sulcrate treatment but will vomit when not on sulcrate (sounds more like a chronic gastritis situation)

– u/s was normal except for the spleen – the splenic hilus appears to be in the wrong position – ventral instead of dorsal?

– 2-3 year old 65lb hound mix with a history of FB corn cob removal last fall

– now vomiting intermittently and owner was concerned about the potential for another FB

– x-rays did not point toward a FB and the pet seemed to respond to sulcrate treatment but will vomit when not on sulcrate (sounds more like a chronic gastritis situation)

– u/s was normal except for the spleen – the splenic hilus appears to be in the wrong position – ventral instead of dorsal?

Any thoughts on this anomoly? I was thinking perhaps adhesions form the previous lap may have caused this positioning? or perhaps this is some sort of torsion happening? Or maybe the spleen was just flipped during the scan?




yes flipped spleen ive seen

yes flipped spleen ive seen dogs live with this but who knows if it torsion is next but makes sense it would be… I would go by discomort on palpation if so then remove it.


Not painful at all and spleen

Not painful at all and spleen otherwise looks normal – will have owners monitor however

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