Lung pathology

Sonopath Forum

– 8 year old FS Minature Dacshund present for anorexia, painful abdomen, diarrhea and tachypnea; no fever or cough

– bloodwork showed azotemia, increased amylase, positive SNAP cPLI and lymphopenia (no u/a)

– chest rads diffuse interstitial lung pattern

– u/s showed normal kidneys and pancreas; thickened colon wall mild abdominal effusion; jejunal LN’s mildly enlarged

– thoracic scan showed normal LA, trace pleural effusion, an interstitial lung disease pattern with small areas of lung consolidation and diffuse lung rockets or comet-tail artifacts

– 8 year old FS Minature Dacshund present for anorexia, painful abdomen, diarrhea and tachypnea; no fever or cough

– bloodwork showed azotemia, increased amylase, positive SNAP cPLI and lymphopenia (no u/a)

– chest rads diffuse interstitial lung pattern

– u/s showed normal kidneys and pancreas; thickened colon wall mild abdominal effusion; jejunal LN’s mildly enlarged

– thoracic scan showed normal LA, trace pleural effusion, an interstitial lung disease pattern with small areas of lung consolidation and diffuse lung rockets or comet-tail artifacts

– mediastinal LN enlargement

With abdominal effusion and the lung lesions, my primary concern would be neoplasia in this patient. Very strange that there is no cough. We do have blasto in our region but in my experience these dogs are coughing and have fever.  PTE a potential? 






Hmmm consider penumonitis and

Hmmm consider penumonitis and inflammatory lung disease. The colonic wall is thickened but mural detail is conserved with a thickened submucosal layer which indicates chronicity. The multifolcal microconsolidaitons in the peripheral lung can be pneumonitis (SARDS infectious and other), PTE, Neoplastic mets…the med LN maintains its lenght to width ratio and is echogenic as opposed to hypoechoic and distorted so I wouldnt jump on neoplasia until proven with a needle here. Certainly its on the list but I would give benefiot of doubt until neoplasia is proven. Fungal can do this as well.


Chickened out on sampling the
Chickened out on sampling the mediastinal LN’ s due to a lot of large pulsing blood vessels around it. It is the abdominal effusion that concerns me as no obvious cause. I have recommended a BAL and running a blasto urine test

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