Hyperechoic densities in spleen and kidneys

Sonopath Forum

Hyperechoic densities in spleen and kidneys

I am wondering what is causing these hyperechoic densities in the spleen and kidneys?

I have seen some similar images indicating nodular hyperplasia of spleen, but nothing of kidneys.

No changes on bloodwork.


I am wondering what is causing these hyperechoic densities in the spleen and kidneys?

I have seen some similar images indicating nodular hyperplasia of spleen, but nothing of kidneys.

No changes on bloodwork.




I suspect some sort of

I suspect some sort of calcification.

Here is a small paragraph from VIN:

“This almost seems to be an exclusive problem with Miniature Schnauzers. This is mineralization within the parenchyma of the spleen that we often see with some degree of hypercalcemia but in all honesty I see it more often with a Cushinoid patient. You may also see cortical mineralization as individual hyperechoic focal densities seen within the renal cortex of both kidneys. Work him up for Cushing’s disease ,I’ll be surprised if he comes back negative for it.

Bob Hylands 
VIN Associate Editor 
Diagnostic Imaging 

The parenchyma of the spleen looks abnormal. I would get a 25 guage needle and get a FNA.

What breed? Did you image the adrenals? Any labs?


Yes this is the sonographers

Yes this is the sonographers calcinosis cutis in cushingoid patients… in fact when you have those cases htat are trying to be cushoingoid but are still negative on acth stim or lddst and you see this calcification to me its another reason to wait and watch for Cushings because it will be a preliminary presentation.


Brilliant thankyou. Adrenals

Brilliant thankyou. Adrenals looked normal at this stage. 

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