Enlarged left adrenal gland, Conn’s Syndrome likely in a 17 year old FS DSH

Enlarged left adrenal gland, Conn’s Syndrome likely in a 17 year old FS DSH

A 17-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for Inappetence, thickened intestines, kidney failure and hypertension. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were increased BUN 44 and Creatinine 2.6. Potassium 3.6 slightly subnormal. 

CT – Metastatic lung disease noted in a 17 year old FS West Highland Terrier presented with neurological signs

This 17 year old FS West Highland Terrier has a history of CRF (iris stage 4). Presented two weeks ago with rear limb ataxia; focal seizures began two days ago and presented to the hospital non- responsive. PE: dull, minimally responsive, sever neck pain on lateral and vertical movement. CBC/Chem: Crea 6.5, BUN elevated

RAD -Chronic lower airway disease and hypovolemia in a 16 year old FS DLH cat with chronic renal failure and IMHA

This 16 year old FS DLH cat has a history of chronic renal failure and recently IMHA.  Physical exam: very thin, slightly jaundiced, quiet. PVC 24%, TP 5.8g/dl. Received tranfusion.

RAD – Megaesophagus and gastric dysmotility in a 15 year old MN Burmese cat

This 15 year old MN Burmese cat has a history of brachycephalic airway syndrome and hyperthyroidism, both controlled. Currently vomiting soon after eating; decreased appetite. IRIS stage 2 CKD, stable Physical exam: congested upper airway with audible and palpable bubbles over cervical trachea  and severe stenotic nares.

Chronic interstitial nephrosis with hepatic lipidosis in a 15 year old MN DSH cat with controlled diabetes

A 15-year-old MN DSH that had been diagnosed with diabetes and renal disease was presented for evaluation. Current therapy was glargine BID. The only abnormality on serum biochemistry was azotemia (creatinine 2.5, BUN 21). Glucose was within reference range (glucose122).

RAD – Functional gastrointestinal ileum with intestinal dilation and maldigestion pattern in a 15 year old FS DSH cat

This 15 year old FS DSH cat has a history of kidney disease and urinary stones, has been newly diagnosed diabetic. Physical Exam: distended tender abdomen. No palpable masses. Excess gas on ultrasound today. CBC: neutrophilia and lymphocytosis Chem: glucose 243  

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) in a 17 year old FS cat

The patient has had weight loss of 1-2 pounds in the last month, diminished appetite, and eats about ½ his normal intake. Diagnosis of IRIS stage 2 CRF in May 201 . Current medications include amlodipine 1.25 mg PO SID and just began mirtazapine 3.75 mg PO every other day. There is a history of…

Compensated mitral insufficiency in a 5 year old FS Pomeranian dog

A 5-year-old FS Pomeranian dog was presented for evaluation of weight loss and Iris stage 2 renal disease. No murmur was audible on physical examination. Abnormalities on blood work were azotemia, elevated cPL, and very elevated ProBNP.

Stage B1 Valvular Disease Trivial Mitral and Tricuspid Insufficiency in a 5 year old FS Pomeranian Dog

A 5-year-old SFis a canine Pomeranian was presented for evaluation of , SF, 5 years. Dog losing weight loss and Iris stage 2 renal disease. A slight left sided murmur was audible on physical examination. Abnormalities on blood work were azotemia, , increased urea and creatinineelevated Iris stage 2, Spec cPL, and very elevated increased,…

Adrenal mass with caval invasion in a 13 year old FS Greyhound with episodes of collapse

A 13-year-old FS Greyhound with a history of renal insufficiency was presented for collapse, lethargy, and inappetance. The patient was febrile. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were monocytosis, elevated liver enzymes, azotemia, and elevated CPK of 22730. T4 was low.

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