Gastric wall thickening

Sonopath Forum

Gastric wall thickening

– 10 year old MN Cockapoo with intermittent history v/d – mild weight loss

– hypoalbuminemia of 20 so not at the level for effusion to begin

– US showed muscosal striations in the SI typical of a PLE and primary or secondary lymphangiectasia

– the stomach wall was thickened in the fundus/body region. There is an inflammatory pattern in the fat in the region and mild enlargement of the local (gastric) LN. Pancreas normal.

– pylorus and pyloric outflow normal

– I can see layers so less likely neoplasia

– 10 year old MN Cockapoo with intermittent history v/d – mild weight loss

– hypoalbuminemia of 20 so not at the level for effusion to begin

– US showed muscosal striations in the SI typical of a PLE and primary or secondary lymphangiectasia

– the stomach wall was thickened in the fundus/body region. There is an inflammatory pattern in the fat in the region and mild enlargement of the local (gastric) LN. Pancreas normal.

– pylorus and pyloric outflow normal

– I can see layers so less likely neoplasia

Is this a gastritis pattern or considered gastric wall edema? possiblility of neoplasia?  Where is the submucosal layer?

This dog is not really terrible sick or showing signs of profuse vomiting.




Two important possiblities

Two important possiblities would be chronic gastritis and emerging lymphoma. Consider doing an FNA of wall as gastroscopy may be non-diagnostic as the mucosal layer seems intact. Full thickness biopsy most likley needed for a final diagnosis.


Thank-you Remo

Thank-you Remo

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