French bulldog with persistent hematuria

Sonopath Forum

French bulldog with persistent hematuria

  • 11 yrold intact male French Bulldog
  • hematuria >2 weeks duration with no stranguria
  • Lab abnormalities are a neutrophillia (14,366/mcl) and increased ALT=296
  • U/A showed 3+ proteinuria and >60 RBC/hpf;  Urine culture was negative
  • Dog is feeling better on antibiotics but hematuria persists
  • Urinary tract US shows normal kidneys, normal bladder, and normal medial iliac lymph nodes
  • What is the strongly shadowing echogenicity in the caudal prostate?  Gas?  Mineralization?
    • 11 yrold intact male French Bulldog
    • hematuria >2 weeks duration with no stranguria
    • Lab abnormalities are a neutrophillia (14,366/mcl) and increased ALT=296
    • U/A showed 3+ proteinuria and >60 RBC/hpf;  Urine culture was negative
    • Dog is feeling better on antibiotics but hematuria persists
    • Urinary tract US shows normal kidneys, normal bladder, and normal medial iliac lymph nodes
    • What is the strongly shadowing echogenicity in the caudal prostate?  Gas?  Mineralization?
    • The owner is considering castration.  What is the likelihood of prostatitis vs. neoplasia with this dog?
    • I know, I know…stick a needle into it…but so far the owner has declined.



melissa the prostate is
melissa the prostate is rather uniform as opposed to the usual heterogenicity and disorganization of prostatic carcinoma. the single stone is buried in the right lobe and likely dystrophic mineralization. I would fna, neuter the next day when the cytology comes back and do a prostatic wash and culture at neutering. I am 90% positive this is bph/prostatitis with dyst. min. but the 10% is why we have needles:)


melissa the prostate is
melissa the prostate is rather uniform as opposed to the usual heterogenicity and disorganization of prostatic carcinoma. the single stone is buried in the right lobe and likely dystrophic mineralization. I would fna, neuter the next day when the cytology comes back and do a prostatic wash and culture at neutering. I am 90% positive this is bph/prostatitis with dyst. min. but the 10% is why we have needles:)


Thanks Eric. I saw uniform
Thanks Eric. I saw uniform capsule with no lymphadenopathy or protruding masses. Yet, the Nyland/Mattoon text states that mineralization is more likely to occur with prostatic neoplasia. I may see if I can get a chance to stick a needle in it at the time of the neuter.


Thanks Eric. I saw uniform
Thanks Eric. I saw uniform capsule with no lymphadenopathy or protruding masses. Yet, the Nyland/Mattoon text states that mineralization is more likely to occur with prostatic neoplasia. I may see if I can get a chance to stick a needle in it at the time of the neuter.


My experience with prostatic
My experience with prostatic neoplasia is that the mineralized areas tend to be multi-focal and the gland is irregularly enlarged with an irregular capsule.
The most likely diagnosis in this case is BPH.


My experience with prostatic
My experience with prostatic neoplasia is that the mineralized areas tend to be multi-focal and the gland is irregularly enlarged with an irregular capsule.
The most likely diagnosis in this case is BPH.


Ok, thanks.
Ok, thanks.


Ok, thanks.
Ok, thanks.


Melissa, go to the pathology
Melissa, go to the pathology search/clinical search page and in the pathology search simply insert “prostatic carcinoma” and you will see lots of more consistent examples of prostatic carcinoma none of which looks like this one you posted.


Melissa, go to the pathology
Melissa, go to the pathology search/clinical search page and in the pathology search simply insert “prostatic carcinoma” and you will see lots of more consistent examples of prostatic carcinoma none of which looks like this one you posted.

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