Fair to assume DCM?

Sonopath Forum

Fair to assume DCM?

– 5 year old FS Great Dane presented for ADR, weight loss and increased resp. rate and tachyardia

– chest rads consistent with pulmonary edema

– my ultrasound machine is down and away for repair in the US so had to use an old machine I have with no cardiac package (no m-mode, no Doppler, abdominal probe only) Could only save images with iPhone

– Alive Cor ECG did not show any obvious arrhymias other than tachycardia

– looking at this clip, is it safe to assume this pet has DCM or at least a DCM-like presentation?

– 5 year old FS Great Dane presented for ADR, weight loss and increased resp. rate and tachyardia

– chest rads consistent with pulmonary edema

– my ultrasound machine is down and away for repair in the US so had to use an old machine I have with no cardiac package (no m-mode, no Doppler, abdominal probe only) Could only save images with iPhone

– Alive Cor ECG did not show any obvious arrhymias other than tachycardia

– looking at this clip, is it safe to assume this pet has DCM or at least a DCM-like presentation?

– I am seeing left and right sided atrial enlargement, subjective poor contactility and likely increased EPSS

– the pet also has mild ascites and enlarged CVC; we have started cardiac meds



“Ghetto DCM” lol…

“Ghetto DCM” lol… resourcefulness is the key to diagnostic efficiency JP.

DCM or myocarditis dcm-like. Triple tx and check the thyroid and potentials for myocarditis.


Thank-you EL.

Thank-you EL.

We affectionately call it E.T. or the glorified cystocentesis machine : )




There are human



There are human practitioners who are still using this machine, no joke!

Yep, looks like DCM, your decision to start with meds was completely right.

Triple or quadruple therapy (the latter containing spironolactone).


Best regards!



Hi Peter
Really? Wow – maybe

Hi Peter

Really? Wow – maybe I should sell my machine to a human MD  : )


I have the Caris too- worst

I have the Caris too- worst machine ever built.

The vibrating probes are good for a back rub.

We use it for cysto’s. I feel your pain.


Yes – a very expensive

Yes – a very expensive cystocentesis machine – bought it back in the day when I knew nothing about ultrasound machines and then couldn’t get rid of it : (

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