Dicom images

Sonopath Forum

  • I am looking to get a licence number to be able to export images from a My Lab Alpha in Dicom format. It is costing close to $650 at a discounted price. Does this seem right, is there any other way to get it?

  • I am looking to get a licence number to be able to export images from a My Lab Alpha in Dicom format. It is costing close to $650 at a discounted price. Does this seem right, is there any other way to get it?



Not that I know of. I have

Not that I know of. I have always despised these money grab sales techniques of piecemealing every little function… dicom… doppler/cardiac package… ecg…. Its all in the box already they just give you a code to release it. I want to tell all the sales companies to just sell the box and everything in it and charge for the probes additionally. Everythign else just confuses people and leaves them disalusioned when they need another fnction. I get the additional probe cost but come on…dicom costing 6 bills plus?

Dicom is the gold standard for radiology interpretation so theoretically it should be inherent in a radiology based modality because avi is an old format and obsolete and we cant do much with them to adjust or annotate images without utilizing time consuming black art techniques that are tedious. Dicom is what should be utilized always and jpeg/mp4/avi for presentations or to give owners and such.

Ok off my soap box:(

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