Caudal abdominal masses

Sonopath Forum

Caudal abdominal masses

  • 10 year old male neutered lab, recent history of straining to defaecate, now not eating
  • Plain abdominal xray showed displaced colon with bony material within it, thorax normal
  • Bloods unremarkable
  • Two masses around anus which feel deep seated and have been sampled, pending cytology
  • The liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenals were normal
    • 10 year old male neutered lab, recent history of straining to defaecate, now not eating
    • Plain abdominal xray showed displaced colon with bony material within it, thorax normal
    • Bloods unremarkable
    • Two masses around anus which feel deep seated and have been sampled, pending cytology
    • The liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenals were normal
    • There are large (6+ cm) heterogenous and cavitatory sublumbar lymph nodes but also another group of round hypoechoic structures (like a ring of sausages) which lie adjacent to colon and the most caudal one has a cavitatory centre. I don’t think are connected to anything…. are these also lymph nodes? 
    • The bladder is displaced cranially I think the prostate is small, hypoechoic and normal. 
    • I think the distal part of th colon becomes thickened.
    • Can you make out the primary pathology? or could it be the masses around the anus?
    • Any help much appreciated
    • Sorry for long post



Looks like an obstructive

Looks like an obstructive colonic mass and LN. FNA of the colonic wall and LN should prove cyto dx. Lots of inflammation as well. Poor guy 🙁


I did not think it was

I did not think it was connected to the descending colon and I could not get it to run imto normal intestine. Can you see it connected to intestine?


Could also be a metastatic

Could also be a metastatic anal sac carcinoma.


I have also added xrays to

I have also added xrays to the forum, thanks for the help.

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