Case Of the Month
Heart Based Tumor
Case ReportThat’s the case of a 9 year old Hovawart dog with a heart base tumor. The tumor did not cause any clinical issues and was an incidental finding. The still image and video demonstrate a left cranial parasternal view. There is a large homogenous mass is attached to the caudal aspect of the aorta.
March 12, 2013
GI Foreign Body
Guess The GI Foreign Body Part 2 This month we provide more GI foreign bodies for your sonographic entertainment. Guess the gastrointestinal foreign body!…Revisited… Similar to last month, I give you the sonogram and brief history and you guess the foreign body that is present. Don’t scroll down until you think you know what the…
March 6, 2013
Bowel Infarction
Spontaneous Bowel Infarction in a Golden Retriever History: This 7-year-old MN Golden Retriever presented for anorexia of sudden onset. The physical exam revealed fever of unknown origin, tacky mucosal membranes, and focal splinting abdominal pain cranial to the urinary bladder. The CBC revealed mild/moderate neutrophilic leukocytosis (23,000 wbc/hpf). Chemistry panel and urinalysis were uneventful.
February 27, 2013
Feline Splenic Plasmacytoma
Feline Splenic Plasmacytoma. Images by Marty Henderson DVM ( “Checkers” History (Henderson): A 10-year-old MN DLH cat presented for vomiting, depression, weakness, and “not quite himself.” Clinical exam findings were uneventful. The complete blood count revealed anemia (PCV 16% – 3+ anisocytosis, 2+ polychromasia, 2+ rouleaux present), neutropenia 1659 (n 2500-8500) and lymphocytopenia 273 (n…
Hepatocutaneous Syndrome
Jasmine Yorkshire Terrier with Hepatocutaneous Syndrome. Imaged by Andi Parkinsnon, RDMS, Intrapet Imaging, Baltimore Maryland.
Cholelithiasis & Post-Hepatic Obstruction
Cholelithiasis & Post-Hepatic Obstruction In A Dog. By Dr. Johanna Frank (DACVIM) of New Jersey Mobile Associates
Splenic Torsion
Splenic torsion in a dog. Sonogram by Andi Parkinson RDMA of Intrapet Imaging, Baltimore, MD, USA. Case evaluation & interpretation by “Team SonoPath.” Sonogram (Spleen): “Popeye”
Transmural Enteritis & Peritonitis
Transmural Enteritis & Peritonitis in a Cat Images obtained by Andi Parkinson RVT, RDMS (Intrapet Diagnostics, Baltimore, MD, USA). Ultrasound and case interpretation by Eric Lindquist DMV (Italy), DABVP ( History: A 14-year-old MN DLH cat presented for anorexia, lethargy, and “not doing right.” The physical exam revealed depression, dehydration, and hypothermia.
Cardiac Hemangiosarcoma & Tamponade
Cardiac Hemangiosarcoma & Tamponade. 6-month quality survival with adriamycin and pericardial drainage. Lindquist (DABVP) & Nicolas (RDMS) of New Jersey Mobile, Ryan Epple DVM of Harmony AH, Philippsburgh, NJ, USA. Sonogram (Cardiac): “Hawthorne”
Aortic Body Tumor, Mitral Insufficiency, Pulmonary Hypertension
Aortic Body Tumor, Severe Mitral Insufficiency, Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. Sono-Pathology; 3 For 1 Deal. Case presentation, echocardiogram performed by Eric Lindquist DMV (Italy), DABVP (Canine & Feline Practice). Founder, Manager New Jersey Mobile Associates, Sparta, NJ, USA. Assessment & Tx recommendations by Dr. Peter Modler, Dipl.-Tzt., FTA für Kleintiere (Small Animal Specialist, Austria).