Bladder mass

Sonopath Forum

  • 12 year old terrier MN dog with history of 8months + haematuria and pollakiuria, growth on culture and non-responsive to courses of antibiotics
  • Large wide based vascular mass in bladder, seems attached to dorsal/lateral bladder wall. It seems to extend into bladder neck. V mild pelvic dilation of left kidney, right kidney normal. Prostate normal. No sublumbar lymphadenopathy.
  • Could this just be inflammatory? Do you think it is resectable? How would you describle the mass/attachments?

  • 12 year old terrier MN dog with history of 8months + haematuria and pollakiuria, growth on culture and non-responsive to courses of antibiotics
  • Large wide based vascular mass in bladder, seems attached to dorsal/lateral bladder wall. It seems to extend into bladder neck. V mild pelvic dilation of left kidney, right kidney normal. Prostate normal. No sublumbar lymphadenopathy.
  • Could this just be inflammatory? Do you think it is resectable? How would you describle the mass/attachments?



Most likely diagnosis would

Most likely diagnosis would be transitional cell carcinoma that does not appear resectable – size, infiltration into the wall, and extension into the trigone. Would confirm the diagnosis with a traumatic catheter-assisted biopsy.


I suggested that but was

I suggested that but was declined, I will advise own vet to do as so large. 

Is it unusual not to have local lymphadenopathy given size of mass?


Not all bladder tumors will

Not all bladder tumors will involve the regional lymph nodes. On the other hand, inflammatory reactions will often have an associated reactive lymphadenomegaly.


Great thank you.

Great thank you.

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