Acute Vomiting
Marvin is a 7 year old Black Lab with a history of 36 hours vomiting multiple times. Blood work was WNL. X-rays revealed segmental areas of ilius- but no obvious obstructions or FB. Per his owners he is not the type of dog to eat things- even though he is a lab. Since labs were…
Severe typhlitis
– 10 year FS Lab presented for abdominal pain, anorexia and marked gas distension in the colon on x-ray; bloodwork unremarkable – had a similar episode about 1 year ago and responded to symptomatic therapy; – ultrasound showed a severely thickened cecal wall with some loss of layering pattern – cecal distension with liquid and…
Feline Mitral Valve Dysplasia?
– Gus is a MN approx. 3 year old cat that was rescued from a shelter – he is asymptomatic for heart disease and successfully underwent anesthesia for a fracture repair – an echocardiogram was performed due to presence of a heart murmur; he was sedated with alfaxan for the echo – cardiac chambers, aortic…
Kidneys hypoechoic rim
– these are the kidneys of a 8 yr FS unwell minature poodle – bloodwork showed moderate elevation in ALT, normal ALP and upper normal bilirubin, mild hypoalbuminemia. No azotemia CBC wnl – uirne SG 1.030 bilirubinuria, quiet sediment – the liver was diffusely enlarged and hyperechoic with rounded capsular margins – no evidence of…
Romeo is a 11 1/2 year old Papillion that had a TCC removed from the dorsal bladder walls over 2 years ago. I screen him every 6 months. I believe I see a small polypoid mass off the dorsal bladder wall in the region of the previous mass. I am also not sure that I…
Thoughts on GB
– 10 year old MN miniature poodle presented for 1 weeks duration of vomting, anorexia – bloodwork moderate elevations ALP and ALT, high end normel bilrubin and bilirubinuria – ultrasound consistent with pancreatitis, steatitis and abdominal effusion (pain over the pancreas) – the GB is distended with an inflammatory region around the neck and effusion…
Thoughts on this Pancreas
– 7 year old MN DSH presented for jaundice and anroexia – liver diffusely hyperechoic (isoechoic to the spleen) ddx: hepatitis, hepatic lipidosis, lymphoma (least likely) – no lesions at the d-pap and GB and CBD normal at 0.28 cm diameter – the pancreas has a very heterogenous appearance and is midly enlarged; hyperechoic peripancreatic…
Cardiac Table
EL When – if ever- is the Cardio-table going to be for sale. What will be the cost? How do you get large dogs on that table?
More Kidneys to look at
Wow- Electrocute stole my post this week. Larkin is a 16 week old Golden Retriever puppy with a history of “dribbling” urine. Previous vet did a urine MIC and Profile (no UA that I can find in the records). The profile was normal but the CBC was over 28,000 with a neutrophilia, lymphocytosis and monocytosis….
Lung pathology
– 8 year old FS Minature Dacshund present for anorexia, painful abdomen, diarrhea and tachypnea; no fever or cough – bloodwork showed azotemia, increased amylase, positive SNAP cPLI and lymphopenia (no u/a) – chest rads diffuse interstitial lung pattern – u/s showed normal kidneys and pancreas; thickened colon wall mild abdominal effusion; jejunal LN’s mildly…