Pathophysiology of Cardiac Disease

Pathophysiology of Cardiac Disease

Kelly and Suzanne, I think this is the document you were looking for.  I hope this helps. I did not know how to attach a .pdf so I am posting it here and I will e mail Kelly the .pdf document for anyone that is intereste. I hope this helps for a reference. Maybe Peter…

EPIC Study

I have been dispensing Pimobendan for dogs that meet the criteria of the EPIC study for some time now. A client supplied me with this article from Rod Russel from the Blenheim company. I was hoping I could get some feedback. He is very critical- but I am not certain about his motivies.  I also…


Hope is a 7 year old female Pit Bull with a history of chonic occult hematuria. No signs of LUTD and urine was clear of imflammatory cells and bacteria. No culture was done at this time. X-rays are clean. I did an ultrasound. The bladder and urethra looks clean. I did not see any obvious…

Pulmonary Hypertension

I have a 12 year old Cavalier Cross with severe mitral insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension (Tricuspid Regurgitation 4.25 m/sec). He is not in CHF at this time He meets all the criteria of the EPIC study. I was planning on starting him on Pimobendan and Sildenafil. Here are my 2 questions: 1. Can I start…

Gastric wall thickening

– 10 year old MN Cockapoo with intermittent history v/d – mild weight loss – hypoalbuminemia of 20 so not at the level for effusion to begin – US showed muscosal striations in the SI typical of a PLE and primary or secondary lymphangiectasia – the stomach wall was thickened in the fundus/body region. There…


Romeo is a 13 year old Papillon with a previous history of TCC of the bladder. First mass came off the cranial dorsal wall and the last episode the caudal ventrol wall.  I did a recent evaluation of Romeo as a routine follow up. I saw changes in the region of the ureteral pappila. I…

Doberman Dilated Cardiomyopathy

I have a quick question. Is concentric hypertrophy of the L ventricle a finding in dilated cardiomyopatahy of the Doberman or should I be searching for another cause for the underlying pathophysiology? I always thought I would see eccentric hypertrophy. I know it probably wont change my treatment protocol at this point- but I was…

Hepatic lesion

Taz is a 11 year old Doberman.  History of Cardiomyoptahy. Recent lab work indicated mildly elevated hepatic numbers. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on this Cine. I was wondering what you think about the  large hyperechoic area around the 4:00 mark. Any feedback would be appreciated.    

Renal Carcinoma

Grace is a 10 year old Lab that I evaluated for mild elevation in hepatic enzyme numbers. When I got to the R intercostal views in the SDEP protocol this large mass was seen. The liver was not involved and no obvious reason for the hepatic enzyme elevation was noted and no hepatic biopsy was…

Aora tumour invasion?

– 11 year old MN Lab Ret presented for severe weight loss, chronic intermitent vomiting, trembling and anxious behaviour – HR 210,  BP systolic average (only taken one time so far 154); routine blood work unremarkable – Left adrenal tumour on ultrasound with a tumour thrombus in the CVC (pheo, adenocarcinoma) – I am also…

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