Liver mets from adrenal pheo

Liver mets from adrenal pheo

Had a 11 yo FS Lhasa with probable Cushing’s Odd looking liver in a patient with Cushings & now a probable pheo with phrenic vein invasion & CVC invasion Liver has large micro-cystic masses with some degree of encapsulationIs this a met from the pheo (have never seen one this big) or a hepatoma, cyst-adenoma??…

Splenic changes related to anemia?

strange looking spleen in a 14 yo N Terrier Mix with hx HAC (treated with Lisodren) x 1 yr Recent hx of anemia, vomiting (pancreatitis), inc ALP & ALT Her exam showed left adrenal capsular expansion with phrenic vein invasion (could not be seen to invade CVC), evidence of pancreatitis and a very strange looking…

Has anyone seen the my Cistern of Chyle? Now, where did I put that thing?

Hi all fellow sonographers or interested veterinary personnel! Interesting case: -12 yo MN FEL DSH with weight loss -normal blood work -some hx of vomiting   Ultrasound revealed mid-jejunal mass with loss of layering, coarse liver, slightly enlarged spleen AND a very unusual mid aortic configuration. The mid aorta had a predominantly fluid filled? area…

Has anyone seen the my Cistern of Chyle? Now, where did I put that thing?

Hi all fellow sonographers or interested veterinary personnel! Interesting case: -12 yo MN FEL DSH with weight loss -normal blood work -some hx of vomiting   Ultrasound revealed mid-jejunal mass with loss of layering, coarse liver, slightly enlarged spleen AND a very unusual mid aortic configuration. The mid aorta had a predominantly fluid filled? area…

Has anyone seen the my Cistern of Chyle? Now, where did I put that thing?

Hi all fellow sonographers or interested veterinary personnel! Interesting case: -12 yo MN FEL DSH with weight loss -normal blood work -some hx of vomiting   Ultrasound revealed mid-jejunal mass with loss of layering, coarse liver, slightly enlarged spleen AND a very unusual mid aortic configuration.  

Aortoliths Plaques

I’ve seen the plaques in at least three patients now in the last 6 moths.  This one is a long standing Addison’s dz without evidence of Diabetes.  Just incidental.

The miracle of living through chemistry

  Had a recent recheck on a cat with advanced RCM. 11 yo DSH presented for sudden onset posterior paresis Prior HX hyperthyroidism treated 1 year ago with I-131 Grade I/VI murmur, tachycardia Echo revealed RCM with LAE, LV dilation in systole & depressed FS (28%) Ginger’s first echo:   [wpvideo gDmGXC8s]      …

Cats & Chronic Biliary disease

In my mobile practice I have had quite a run of biliary disease in cats (7 cases) in the last 2 months. Some with stones, others with sludgey CBD and/or GB, some with severe triaditis.   In this area, I have worked frequently with a feline practitioner who does a complimentary care approach, especially with…

European drug tx of DCM

Question for cardiology meds: 7 YO MN LAB presented unable to run his daily 6 miles with owner, ProBNP is 2457 Diagnosed 6 days ago with atypical Addison’s dz CBC, BP WNL His echo: Bradycardia attributed to his athleticism. DX Prob DCM So my question is given the dog’s fitness condition, what are the drug…

Increasing PCV with PS

I had a question about increasing PCV in a young dog.  Originally though this to be a possible reverse PDA given the RVH.  But subsequent scanning showed pulmonic stenosis. 4 yo MN JRT mix Acute dyspnea Episode of collapse [videoembed id=6934]You can see the narrow PA in the short axis. [videoembed id=6935] LV M-mode with…

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