What does this?

What does this?

This is an 11-month-old clinically normal intact female Maine Coon cat presented for a 3/6 systolic heart murmur. Scanning revealed generalized left and right ventricular hypertrophy and a severely enlarged right atrium with bowing of the atrial septum to the left. Short axis views revealed similar right and left ventricular diastolic size with septal flattening…

Welcome to all new and seasoned veterinary technicians.

This forum is for you, the veterinary technician community.  Feel free to post up any questions or comments regarding your day to day nursing care, helpful tips from your clinic, hospital protocols, difficult situations that you have run into and found solutions for, or anything you can think of.  We are here to work with…

Feline pancreatic mass

9 yo mn dsh cat vomitng, weight loss, lethargy WBC 20K Is this a mass or severe pancreatitis panc mass [videoembed id=6937] Any thoughts? Wilma

Ever Wondered What This Structure Was?

[videoembed id=6952] right coronary artery No this is not a heartworm but the right coronary artery that is present in every heart of you get the right angle.

How To Start Your Own Post: Welcome To The SonoPath Forum

Do you have a burning question for the SonoPath moderators in any category whether you are a general practitioner or sonographer (novice to expert)? There are no dumb questions (and hopefully no dumb answers:). We are all virtual friends and professionals (i.e. criteria for a SP moderator) and, as a group, someone has likely run…

Neoplasia But “Not?”…Or Maybe “Not?”

Question:   Can all of these lesions (liver, spleen, kidney, prostate, lungs, fat) have fungal (coccidiomycoides) or neoplasia (hemangiosarcoma)? Is there intestinal involvement? Have you seen this pattern before? Unfortunately the rDVM is not wanting to pursue FNA at this time.  If fungal titer comes back + then maybe so to rule out co-morbidities. Any other…

Still Vs Video. Can You Tell What This Is?

In the past and still in some remote interpretation services overt diagnoses are made from still images. I once played a bad trick on a good friend that knew her patient had nothing wrong but the owner was insistent that there was something wrong with his 3 year old labx. She said “Please just scan…

Defining A Liver Lesion As Resectable Or Not On US

If you see a lesion in the liver and video clip the liver with the lesion in it,  write which direction you are scanning from and toward. For example, please start at the GB/CBD/Portal Hilus in sagittal position with marker toward the head (subxyphoid) and drop the tail of the probe. In this manner you…

Gastric FB vs. pills on sonogram

Response to a veterinarian that sent a GI case to me that had the presentation similar to the ones in these images:   They are likely foreign bodies but I don’t know what medications were given because some pills will hang in the pylorus without dissolving in light of gastritis. If scoping for bx then…

On Diagnostic Efficiency

This is an addendum to a prior email and questions regarding how soon to utilize ultrasound in a clinical workup. This was spinning off a GI case that was interpreted: EL: Thank you Nancy for the kind words, If a GI case animal is sick enough to bring into the hospital.. anorexia 2 days and…

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