Is this an adrenal gland

Sonopath Forum

So, there was a dog in the clinic today for a LDDS test and certainly looked cushingoid. I was planning on U/S’ing it for practice and started just as the owner arrived to pick up the dog…so all I got was a shot of the left adrenal…I think.

It’s in the right area, and is enlarged but it looks odd…it seems to run caudal to the left renal artery and is much longer than I would expect. It seems to have a normal curvilinear pattern and doesn’t look angry or cancerous. so is this the adrenal gland or am I mistaking it for something else?



So, there was a dog in the clinic today for a LDDS test and certainly looked cushingoid. I was planning on U/S’ing it for practice and started just as the owner arrived to pick up the dog…so all I got was a shot of the left adrenal…I think.

It’s in the right area, and is enlarged but it looks odd…it seems to run caudal to the left renal artery and is much longer than I would expect. It seems to have a normal curvilinear pattern and doesn’t look angry or cancerous. so is this the adrenal gland or am I mistaking it for something else?





Its an odd shape but its in

Its an odd shape but its in the area of the left adrenal cranial to the left renal artery in your first video. images are a bit dark. Rule of thumb: when you see something odd then forget about it and go SDEP through all the normal organs and in this case find the left and right adrenal and if you cant find them then the mass may be one of them but finish the 17 point progression first. Then go back to the abnormal finding and get 4 + videos from different angles into and out of the structure wiht doppler as your did… need to increase b mode gain about 8-10 points here. For more on our SDEP protocol see this download

or consider attending one of our courses to start SDEPping or enhance your SDEP mojo and efficiency


I attended the meeting in

I attended the meeting in Andover last week :)…this was meant to be a homework scan, but just as I started, the owner showed up…so all I had time to do was hit position 5…They were taking the dog out the door as I took those images.

But I’m assuming it’s an adrenal gland, but less likely to be neoplastic vs just wierdly shaped and hyperplastic?




LOL oh right Sam sorry I

LOL oh right Sam sorry I didnt put 2 and 2 together… Im more concerned with tumor here but would need more views and increase the gain and zoom in as well.


Thanks Eric…On a different

Thanks Eric…On a different note…I’m trying to send a telemedicine case and 2 times I’ve sent part of the studies but I get booted off the internet on my end. This is a big file (900mb) which I apologize for…I thought my cine was set for a 3 second loop, but it wasn’t. I think I need to resend the files again, but I’m not wanting to clog up your end sending files that you may already have. Who can I check with to see if you have a partial download, or do I just send them all again?



Sure Sam we can handle that

Sure Sam we can handle that size no problem on our servers even though most case sizes are < 500 mb so check your us machine settings and we can help with some machines but you may need ot call your us tech support. Kelly and my tech staff can help and will contact you. Check your facility band width I always recommend having the fastest speed possible in clinics because time is wasted in the digital world chasing issue srelated to trasnfer dropoffs and staff time chasing the issues. In general any issues on sending cases please contact and someone is there to help 18 hours/day.


Thanks Eric,
Have a good

Thanks Eric,

Have a good weekend.


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