ADR Cachexic Dog

Sonopath Forum

Tyg is 13 yrs old presenting for profound weight loss (BCS 2/9), severe diarrhea, but great appetite.

Albumin 1.9   ALT 172   AP 278

SI’s & Stomach look subjectively a little thick to me, but normal layering. Liver revealed no masses and some generalized changes. I think both adrenal are abnormal, but look smooth and homogeneous so I’m not sure of their significance.

Dog may also be developing dialated cardiomyopathy.

Tyg is 13 yrs old presenting for profound weight loss (BCS 2/9), severe diarrhea, but great appetite.

Albumin 1.9   ALT 172   AP 278

SI’s & Stomach look subjectively a little thick to me, but normal layering. Liver revealed no masses and some generalized changes. I think both adrenal are abnormal, but look smooth and homogeneous so I’m not sure of their significance.

Dog may also be developing dialated cardiomyopathy.

Wondering if this dog has EPI or PLE, just not sure if the adrenals are players in this or not. I know heart disease can lead to cachexia, but not to this degree.

Thoughts on adrenals appreciated.





The images are a bit dark but

The images are a bit dark but the adrenals are big so hypereplasia, bilateral pheos, pdh all possible but if not looking cushiongoid the run a urine catecholamine test from marshfield labs and do a serial blood pressure.

On 1 occaison i had big adrenals like this and th edog was addisonian and the adrenals were myeleolipomas.. addisons would explain the low albumin too but usually not that low. Its a reach and a zebra but possible.

The Gi is hyperperistaltic so PLE possible but too dark to see mucosal striations. If no proteinuria then PLE likely.


Thanks for the post…I

Thanks for the post…I didn’t think this even uploaded.


Happy Thanksgiving


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