My thought on this…I think are on the CVC and RAD and sliding forward to the PV. The abnormality seen is a reactive peripoprtal / hepatic LN. I think the more prominent border of the PV, seen with the portal vasculature, is evident vs the non visible border of the CVC where the RAD is. Im nort seeing a thrombus in this clip.
Nice RAD image and looks
Nice RAD image and looks normal.
My thought on this…I think are on the CVC and RAD and sliding forward to the PV. The abnormality seen is a reactive peripoprtal / hepatic LN. I think the more prominent border of the PV, seen with the portal vasculature, is evident vs the non visible border of the CVC where the RAD is. Im nort seeing a thrombus in this clip.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, I see what you
Yeah, I see what you mean…Thanks for the explanation