Abdominal Lipoma Suspect

Sonopath Forum

Abdominal Lipoma Suspect

Bailey is a 15 year old mixed breed dog that came in for his yearly 

exam. Owner reports he is slowing down. I am doing all my labs on him and 

treating him for his DJD.

I noticed he was “Pot Bellied” on exam and suggested an abdominal x-ray.

I was surprised at what I saw.

I placed the probe on the abdomen and what I saw looked like fat. Owner would not allow

a FNA because she did not want to pursue any further Dx/Rx.

I did not save any of my ultrasound images- but I had to share the x-rays.

Bailey is a 15 year old mixed breed dog that came in for his yearly 

exam. Owner reports he is slowing down. I am doing all my labs on him and 

treating him for his DJD.

I noticed he was “Pot Bellied” on exam and suggested an abdominal x-ray.

I was surprised at what I saw.

I placed the probe on the abdomen and what I saw looked like fat. Owner would not allow

a FNA because she did not want to pursue any further Dx/Rx.

I did not save any of my ultrasound images- but I had to share the x-rays.

I believe this is an abdominal lipoma or liposarcoma. I have never seen this in 43 years of practice.




As it lools like fat and is

As it lools like fat and is well demarcated, would go for lipoma as I woud expect a liposarcoma to resut in signs generally associated with malignancy – weight loss, reduced appetite, ADR. 


Thanks Remo.
I thought he

Thanks Remo.

I thought he looked to good. I have just never seen such a dramitic x-ray before.


Here’s one I took out a


Here’s one I took out a few years ago


Thanks Jacquie.
They look

Thanks Jacquie.

They look almost the same size. I have just never seen one before in all these years.

I tried to talk the owner into surgery- but they just did not want to go any further- and to be honest- Bailey seems to be doing OK.

You always have the best cases.

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