
Sonopath Forum

An 11yr old 3lb yorkie spent three days at ER for acute pancreatitis based on increased amylase,lipase. Today presented for abdominal imaging. Findings include gall bladder hyperplasia , choleliths and immobile/mobile sediment,cbd not dilated, inflammation of pancreas. the recent cbc showed thrombocytosis(618k) The elevations of lipase and amylase had resolved . I also noted from the presented records ggt had been elevated and that had returned to normal.the splenic changes are what I wish an opinion on.

An 11yr old 3lb yorkie spent three days at ER for acute pancreatitis based on increased amylase,lipase. Today presented for abdominal imaging. Findings include gall bladder hyperplasia , choleliths and immobile/mobile sediment,cbd not dilated, inflammation of pancreas. the recent cbc showed thrombocytosis(618k) The elevations of lipase and amylase had resolved . I also noted from the presented records ggt had been elevated and that had returned to normal.the splenic changes are what I wish an opinion on. The hyperechoic regions do not strictly follow the vasculature and are near the capsule , I have not done aspirate yet.





The images are very dark but

The images are very dark but the spleen is enlarged and multifocal mineralizations. This happens in cushingoid patients but is non specific. Its the sonographers calcinosis cutis. It merits a 25 g fna though to be sure splenitis or neoplasia isnt present as well.


ah ha!! Thanks

ah ha!! Thanks


Almost 79% of dogs with these

Almost 79% of dogs with these splenic changes are Cushinoid so it is worth following up on this.

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