chylothorax and ASD?

Sonopath Forum


I have a young (15 months) Min Schnautzer that came in respirtatory distress. We tapped him and got 975 ml of chile. After the procedure I wanted quicky to check his pericardium and right side heart. Is this ASD or suspect of ASD ? Can this be the reason for his cylothorax. I know that lymph will drain in the cranial Cava, RA. Abdomen is fine, no fluid. Owners are considering a full echo with thoracic US.




I have a young (15 months) Min Schnautzer that came in respirtatory distress. We tapped him and got 975 ml of chile. After the procedure I wanted quicky to check his pericardium and right side heart. Is this ASD or suspect of ASD ? Can this be the reason for his cylothorax. I know that lymph will drain in the cranial Cava, RA. Abdomen is fine, no fluid. Owners are considering a full echo with thoracic US.





Could as well be vena



Could as well be vena cava inflow since the PRF is quite low. If there is a ASD significant enough to cause right heart failure, I would expect a high PA flow (at least 2.8-3m/s) due to pseudo-stenosis (increased volume). What about the caudal vena cava? if it is not enlarged and liver veins are not enlarged I do not think that the chylothorax is caused by right heart failure. I agree that the RV looks a bit enlarged. This could also be caused by PHT.

Best regards!



Thank you Peter. I will try
Thank you Peter. I will try to do a complete scan for this puppy if owners allow. I ll also check PA and cvc and update


Thank you Peter. I will try
Thank you Peter. I will try to do a complete scan for this puppy if owners allow. I ll also check PA and cvc and update I m assuming the changes in right heart can also be secondary to chylo long standing? With PH secondary to pleural leading to right side hypertrophy.a consequence ?


Thank you Peter. I will try
Thank you Peter. I will try to do a complete scan for this puppy if owners allow. I ll also check PA and cvc and update I m assuming the changes in right heart can also be secondary to chylo long standing? With PH secondary to pleural leading to right side hypertrophy.a consequence ?


Yes, if the chylothorax is

Yes, if the chylothorax is severe enough to cause dyspnea/hypoxia, it can cause pulmonary hypertension.

Chylothorax can as well cause restrictive pericarditis, but this would be very difficult to diagnose with echo…




Thank you Peter

Thank you Peter

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