Double Chamber Left Ventricle
5 yr MN cat; vomiting, resp. distress, lameness front limb. Rads: pul edema with atypical presentation and possible cardiomegaly. SNAP pro BNP abnormal. Echo: sever LV hypertrophy, severe LA enlargement, restrictive MV inflow pattern. Ridge of tissue extending from the LVPW to the septal base creating a double chamber effect. PG was 68mmHg (large CW…
residual ectopic ureter?
9 year old FS Husky mix current UTI and non-regenerative disease. Unremarkable ultrasound other than finding this distended left ureter. Was thinking it is an ectopic ureter, but pcDVM later found out pet has had surgery for this with the ureter having been attached to the lateral blad wall. I would love some input on…