hyperechoic enlarged kidneys

hyperechoic enlarged kidneys

10 yr FS DSH with diarrhea and mild azotemia. Ultrasound a few months ago showed plump mesenteric lymph nodes and mild kidney enlargement with hyperechoic cortices. The kidneys have increased in size on today’s exam and are both 4.8/4.9 cm in diameter. What differentials should I be including?

‘Fluffy’ hyperechoic splenic nodules

13 year old FS Setter mix with suspected hyperadrenocorticism – enlarged adrenals and liver as well as polydipsia and coat issues. Has also developed diarrhea responsive to GI Biome diet and appetite is decreased with mild weight loss. These splenic nodules look more fluffy that I would expect with myelolipomas. Also wondering if you think…

MVD Therapeutic Finesse chest radiographs

Minimal lung changes now. Interstitial pattern in PH and dorsal caudal region with increased pulmonary parenchymal density. Lungs looked fairly good??Pulmonary veins increased in size. RR 36-40+ at home sleep/relaxed. Shallow breathing with minimal effort or coughing.Seems to respond to furosemide. Clinically fine otherwise. Eating and drinking. Not significantly dehydrated- increased urination, renal values were…

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