IBD vs Lymphoma?

IBD vs Lymphoma?

This is a 5 years old F/S Yorkie that presented with vomiting, diarheea and decrease apetite Initially I thought it’s a straightforward GE case, but I noticed hyperechoic fat surrounding one segment of si with abnormal wall ( localized necrosis ? ) Patient was treated as an outpatient and improved clinically, however at recheck U/S…

Shunt or no shunt

Blacky, about 1-year-old male neutered persian cross was presented with the complain of lethargy and anorexia of few days duration. Physical examination showed pyrexia of 39.9. Blood test showed mildly elevated ALT. The cat’s fever didn’t respond to symptomatic treatment, though the cat became BAR with the fluid therapy and antibiotics and meloxicam. I did…

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