Who’s Hungry? Burritos are on the Menu.

Who’s Hungry? Burritos are on the Menu.

Have you ever been short handed while handling an avian patient? Ha, ha, short-handed? Never!  If you need a third hand and yours happens to be unavailable you can always burrito your avian patient.  Alas I would NEVER attempt this with anything larger than a cockatiel, with the exception of doves and pigeons which work…

Who’s Hungry? Burritos are on the Menu.

Have you ever been short handed while handling an avian patient? Ha, ha, short-handed? Never!? If you need a third hand and yours happens to be unavailable you can always burrito your avian patient.? Alas I would NEVER attempt this with anything larger than a cockatiel, with the exception of doves and pigeons which work…

Who’s Hungry? Burritos are on the Menu.

Have you ever been short handed while handling an avian patient? Ha, ha, short-handed? Never!? If you need a third hand and yours happens to be unavailable you can always burrito your avian patient.? Alas I would NEVER attempt this with anything larger than a cockatiel, with the exception of doves and pigeons which work…

How Many Medications do you Really Need In-Stock?

Has your pharmacy department grown so much that you can’t easily find the drugs you are looking for? If you have 20 types of antibiotics, 10 kinds of gastroprotectants, 8 different kinds of NSAIDs, steroids, liquids, tablets, capsules, powders, and compounds your pharmacy probably looks more like a hoarding situation than anything else.  What are…

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