Where does the tircuspid valve appear in the apical view

Sonopath Forum

Where does the tircuspid valve appear in the apical view

I have purchased the SDEP Echo and I am practicing the echo positions. I am getting confused with the apical view. When Dr Erric shows the apical view technique, the MV appears on the left side of the screen. The book shows tricuspid valve on the left side of the screen and also one of the videos of Dr Peter shows tricuspid valve on the left side of the screen in the apical view. I have also used the technique described by Dr Peter and it also showed tricuspid valve on the left side of the screen. It is confusing me. I am attaching images from Dr Erric’s, Dr Peter’s and from the book with this post


Inam ul - Haq

Still waiting for the reply

Still waiting for the reply


Its a personal preference and

Its a personal preference and how you hold the probe whether the MV is on the right or the left in apical position.

Inam ul - Haq

Thanks Dr Erric for the

Thanks Dr Erric for the reply. Your SDEP echo videos are really amazing and a great help. By how you hold the probe, do u mean the probe marker direction?

I was holding the probe the way you explained in the video, but for me the TCV was appearing on the left side of the screen


Thank you yes its the marker

Thank you yes its the marker orientation that switches the side of the mv and tv

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