
Sonopath Forum

This is a 22 month old intact female Golden owned by a breeder. She had a normal heat 2 months ago but began spotting frank blood from the vulva several days ago. The vulva is not swollen. Her temp is 104.3, blood work is all normal. Mostly I am just wondering if this is, in fact, the uterus that I am imaging. And, if so, I do not see any fluid in it but it does seem somehat thick. The colon appeared in other parts of the scan as a gas filled viscus in the pelvis, so I don’t think this is a colon. Clinically, I am calling this metritis but is there any evidence for this on these images?

This is a 22 month old intact female Golden owned by a breeder. She had a normal heat 2 months ago but began spotting frank blood from the vulva several days ago. The vulva is not swollen. Her temp is 104.3, blood work is all normal. Mostly I am just wondering if this is, in fact, the uterus that I am imaging. And, if so, I do not see any fluid in it but it does seem somehat thick. The colon appeared in other parts of the scan as a gas filled viscus in the pelvis, so I don’t think this is a colon. Clinically, I am calling this metritis but is there any evidence for this on these images? Thanks


KV CVT SonoPath

This may help:

This may help: https://sonopath.com/node/20604#node-20604


Yes thats the uterus and

Yes thats the uterus and thick as well …heat or open metritis. The only structure between the colopn and the UB will be the uterus unless the vessels whcih will be cf + and the ureters if obstructed. If you follow th ecolon caudally the uterus will be right above it on the screen and stop at the cervix in the pelvis and colon continues.





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