
Sonopath Forum

– 7 year old DSH MN presented for vomiting and anorexia and fever; no history of diarrhea

– bloodwork pending

– u/s showed hyperechoic fat around the ICJ, ICJ LN’s normal-mildly enlarged and fluid-filled cecum with thickened walls but layering maintained

– descending colon was normal in appearance

– there was some discomfort when scanning the patient in this region

Is this a typhlitis presentation?

– 7 year old DSH MN presented for vomiting and anorexia and fever; no history of diarrhea

– bloodwork pending

– u/s showed hyperechoic fat around the ICJ, ICJ LN’s normal-mildly enlarged and fluid-filled cecum with thickened walls but layering maintained

– descending colon was normal in appearance

– there was some discomfort when scanning the patient in this region

Is this a typhlitis presentation?





yes very nice case of

yes very nice case of typhlitis but also early lsa and fip can do this

good to watch response to tx


Pet did very well with

Pet did very well with medical management. Bounced right back after 24hrs of fluids, antibiotic and pro-biotics.

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