Thoracic mass

Sonopath Forum

  • 10 year old Pomeranian with a chronic cough
  • Rads looked like there were two cardiac silhouettes
  • Left sided cavitatory mass was displacing heart to the right with a rounded LN cranial to mass
  • Does this look like a lung carcinoma/sarcoma? Can I rule out an abscess?
  • Owners did not want to sample/investigate further

  • 10 year old Pomeranian with a chronic cough
  • Rads looked like there were two cardiac silhouettes
  • Left sided cavitatory mass was displacing heart to the right with a rounded LN cranial to mass
  • Does this look like a lung carcinoma/sarcoma? Can I rule out an abscess?
  • Owners did not want to sample/investigate further



You always have really neat

You always have really neat cases!

I think neoplasia with multifocal cystic to cavitated areas is the primary differential. Possible peripheral edema as well. I would think an abscess is less likely but necrosis associated with neoplasia is possible. Too bad cytology wasnt elected for further clarification but it looks pretty nasty. 


With the chronicity of the

With the chronicity of the disease, neoplasia most likley as abscess would tend to be more acute and have a more sickly patient.


I would be considering a

I would be considering a cystic thymoma


It did not appear to be in

It did not appear to be in the cranial mediastinal on xray. Thank you for your advice.


It did not appear to be in

It did not appear to be in the cranial mediastinal on xray. Thank you for your advice.

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