Hoping you can guide me on the technique for finding the common bile duct. I scanned a canine patient yesterday with an extremely ugly right limb if the pancreas – enlarged with irregular and well defined margination and hypoechoic. Adjacent medentery was bright and extensively swollen. The patient is very depressed and has vomiting/regurgitation so I performed the ultrasound in right and left lateral recumbency.
Hoping you can guide me on the technique for finding the common bile duct. I scanned a canine patient yesterday with an extremely ugly right limb if the pancreas – enlarged with irregular and well defined margination and hypoechoic. Adjacent medentery was bright and extensively swollen. The patient is very depressed and has vomiting/regurgitation so I performed the ultrasound in right and left lateral recumbency. The radiologist report concluded severe, possibly necrotizing pancreatitis and recommended repeat/serial ultrasound of the pancreas and extrahepatic biliary tract to further asses for secondary extrahepatic biliary obstruction.
I am hit or miss when scanning for the CBD and with all the inflammation and scanning laterally, not confident I will be able to find it. Hoping you may have words of wisdom!! (I did view your video on you tube again about common bile duct presentation but the images were on felines.) Thank you for any help and guidance!
Here are some threads on
Here are some threads on biliary disease imaging form the forum just use the forum search box in the left column to get this url.
Attached is an image where you can use the portal vein as a point of reference and the normal cbd is collapsed and color flow negative above it on the screen. Just follow it caudally to the duodenal papilla. Normal is < 4 mm but the bigger it gets the easier it is to follow… older cats have wider cbd so start with an older cat.
Here is a search in the basic search under common bile duct with multiple bile duct pathologies to peruse
Thank you for the info and
Thank you for the info and image!