- 9 year old male neutered Lab presented for OA check up and abdominomegaly noted, otherwise well
- Large (9cm) round mixed echogenicity mid abdominal mass that seemed to originate from muscularis layer of stomach wall with a narrow (12mm) attachment, towards the body/pylorus.
- Tru-cut biopsy appeared like solid fatty tissue, histology pending.
- Thoracic rads normal.
- Would you agree that it is originating from stomach wall and do you think it would be resectable?
- Could this be a leiomyoma/leiomyosarcoma?
- 9 year old male neutered Lab presented for OA check up and abdominomegaly noted, otherwise well
- Large (9cm) round mixed echogenicity mid abdominal mass that seemed to originate from muscularis layer of stomach wall with a narrow (12mm) attachment, towards the body/pylorus.
- Tru-cut biopsy appeared like solid fatty tissue, histology pending.
- Thoracic rads normal.
- Would you agree that it is originating from stomach wall and do you think it would be resectable?
- Could this be a leiomyoma/leiomyosarcoma?
Looks like gastric fundus and
Looks like gastric fundus and lieomyosarcoma fits best and very undifferentiated.
As it appears to be within
As it appears to be within the fundus, most likley woud be resectable. Unfortunately can often only make the decison at surgery with intra-operative ultrasound giving a better idea of how much to resect.