severe weight loss over several months, progressing hyporexia, acute vomiting and diarrhea

Sonopath Forum

severe weight loss over several months, progressing hyporexia, acute vomiting and diarrhea

12 yr FS American Bulldog with several month hx of weight loss. In April, an ultrasound showed significant stomach wall thickening and blood work ALT in 800’s, albumin 1.9. Current blood work, albumin 2, ALT 125, T bili 0.7. On ultrasound today, liver looked normal. Wondering about mild jejunal mucosal fogging and muscularis thickening as well as thickened antrum region of stomach. My stomach wall measurements of the dorsal body wall were up to 5 mm, so other than the antrum, I didn’t think things looked markedly thickened. Also suspecting some chronic pancreatitis.


Eric Lindquist

Im not appreciating mucosal fogging on this resolution but doesnt mean it isnt there. If no significant proteinuria and live looks decent and no addisons then PLE likely. Stomach looks subjectively thickened on your first image mainly muscularis. The muscularis/mucosal ratio and submucosal layering are more important than thickenss regarding abnormal wall in my opinion. Too easy to under or overmeasure the stomach on oblique angles as well.


Thank you, Eric. It seems like I am often seeing thickening of the muscularis layer in the pylorus and the ileum. Can this be a normal finding given more muscular contractions in these portions of the GI? At what thickness threshold do you start becoming more concerned?

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