rabbit intrathoracic mass?

Sonopath Forum

rabbit intrathoracic mass?


5 year old, 5 lb,  male neutered lop 

not moving around much about 3 weeks

not eating several days 

3/6 systolic murmur

bloodwork pending 

also has bladder sludge



Looks like a large mass to

Looks like a large mass to me. The trachea is raised and it appears that the heart in general is pushed caudally. The mass is so large it is difficult for me to tell the orientation of the echo – R parasternal transverse? The heart also looks enlarged. I have not really looked at a rabbit heart before.


Looks like a large mass to

Looks like a large mass to me. The trachea is raised and it appears that the heart in general is pushed caudally. The mass is so large it is difficult for me to tell the orientation of the echo – R parasternal transverse? The heart also looks enlarged. I have not really looked at a rabbit heart before.


yes looks like a cranial

yes looks like a cranial mediastinal mass wiht mass effect on the heart and the LV is tilted up. It looks mineralized which would suggest carcinoma but my rabbit medicine is scarce… dont they get thymoma? which would be the better scenario. I dont see air entrapment in the mass (left of screen) but it may occupy so much lung that the periopheral air ientrapment is not seen. If no air entrapment in the mass then LN or thymus origin possible but wouldnt explain the mineralization unless hypercalcemic. Needs a needle.


yes looks like a cranial

yes looks like a cranial mediastinal mass wiht mass effect on the heart and the LV is tilted up. It looks mineralized which would suggest carcinoma but my rabbit medicine is scarce… dont they get thymoma? which would be the better scenario. I dont see air entrapment in the mass (left of screen) but it may occupy so much lung that the periopheral air ientrapment is not seen. If no air entrapment in the mass then LN or thymus origin possible but wouldnt explain the mineralization unless hypercalcemic. Needs a needle.

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