The urinary bladder revealed small calculi, the largest grouping of which measured 5.0 mm, nonobstructive at the time of the sonogram. The kidneys were swollen and hypervascular. The liver was subnormal in size with moderate to severe microhepatica. The gallbladder and common bile duct were unremarkable. The portal vein was subnormal in size. Extrahepatic portosystemic shunt present, width of approximately 8.0 mm, appeared to be deriving from the splenic vein juncture with the portal vein, decoursing dorsally and entering into the vena cava. The residual portal vein measured 4.0 mm. The shunt measured maximum 8.0 mm. The vena cava measured 7.0 mm. The aorta measured 5.0 mm at the portal hilus.