Protocols For Desexing Puppies with SubAortic Stenosis.

Sonopath Forum

Protocols For Desexing Puppies with SubAortic Stenosis.

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to ask what your views are when it comes to desexing a dog with underlying congenital heart disease. 13 week old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Female with a grade 3/6 murmur, loudest at the heart base.

Echocardiography showed mild SubAortic Stenosis. Ao outflow velcoity was 2.4m/s, fibrous nodules was seen proximal to the aortic valve and mild LV hypertrophy. 

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to ask what your views are when it comes to desexing a dog with underlying congenital heart disease. 13 week old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Female with a grade 3/6 murmur, loudest at the heart base.

Echocardiography showed mild SubAortic Stenosis. Ao outflow velcoity was 2.4m/s, fibrous nodules was seen proximal to the aortic valve and mild LV hypertrophy. 

I know that SAS progresses as dog gets older but for the sake of reducing mammary cancer risk with desexing female dogs prior to their first heat, will you still recommend desexing given it is mild.

If yes. what will be the ‘cardiac safe’ anesthetic protocols should be?




Usually in these cases there

Usually in these cases there is no overt heart failure. Our local anesthetist uses IV buprenorphine and diazepam as predmed, induces with propofol, and then onto gas.


sas usually not an issue til

sas usually not an issue til the velocities are in the 5 m/sec or so or with sam. Opioid premed, propofol, iso is the safest protocol and cardiac friendly that I know of. We prophy abs on these 5 days before and 5 days after to avoid bacterial seeding…. not sure if it makes a difference but is what was taught in school on congenital lesions.


Awesome! Thanks guys! Really

Awesome! Thanks guys! Really helpful:)

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